7 Ways to Grow Back Your Edges [Natural Hair Growth Solutions]
The Caribbean Secrets Cosmetics Blog is dedicated to educating our community about hair care tips, techniques, and history that will help maximize your curly hair's potential. Your curly hair deserves to growth, more definition, and moisture throughout the day. We feel that having healthy hair is important and is vital to the productivity in our communities around the world because when your hair looks good you will be more confident and perform better in everything you do. We want to be apart of your journey. Our aim is to give your hair-care regimen an extra boost because we value you and your curly hair. We hope that this helps!
Are you experiencing any thinning on your edges? One of the leading causes of this kind of hair loss is caused by traction alopecia. Traction alopecia is caused by tension from aggressive hairstyles such as braids, extensions, ponytails or weaves. Traction alopecia causes hair-loss because the hair on your hairline and edges are very delicate and cannot take high tension for an extended period of time. If you are experiencing hair-loss on your edges and/or hairline please do not loose faith, believe me you are not alone! By implementing the right hair-styling methods, eating the right foods, and applying the proper oils to your edges, they can grow back over time. Below we have listed 7 tips that you can implement to your hair care routine to help grow back your edges.
In order to grow back your edges the first thing you must do is learn and understand your hair growth cycle. There are main three stages in your hair growth cycle: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Interesting enough each hair strand may be in different stages of its life cycle. Studies show that the average person looses about 80 to 100 hair strands a day. Although this may sound alarming, on average this is less than 1% of hair strands you already have on your head.
The anagen stage is the growing phase. This stage lasts for about 2 to 6 years. It is important that during this phase you feed your hair with the proper nutrients to encourage blood supply. Frequent use of Caribbean Secrets Pure Unrefined Haitian Black Castor Oil is packed with omega fatty acids and other nutrients which will encourage hair growth, strength, and moisture.
During the catagen stage also known as the transition phase, the hair follicle detaches from the blood supply and moves upwards towards your pores. This stage usually lasts for about 1 to 2 weeks.
Lastly, during the telogen stage also known as the resting phase the hair separates from the follicle and moves upward to begin growing a brand new hair strand. The telogen stage lasts for about 2 to 4 months.
Once you understand your hair growth cycle then you will be able to stay encouraged, consistent, and realistic with your hair goals.
As mentioned above, applying Caribbean Secrets Pure Unrefined Haitian Black Castor Oil to your scalp will encourage blood flow. This is imperative because in order to grow back the edges of your hair you must use products that'll strengthen your hair from the inside out and encourage blood supply for maximum growth. We recommend using Caribbean Secrets Pure Unrefined Haitian Black Castor Oil Peppermint. This product is infused with pure organic cold pressed peppermint essential oil which promotes blood circulation when applied to the scalp. When added to Pure Unrefined Haitian Black Castor Oil your hair will get the extra boost that it needs to grow.
Excessive heat use applied to your hair strands will actively destroy your hair's natural protein structure. In addition, heat disrupts the moisture balance and adds stress to curly hair. Using heat on your edges will cause them to become weakened which will result in thinning or breakage. We recommend only using a blow dryer to add heat to your hair for a deep conditioning or protein treatment. Heat in this instance will encourage the products you are using will deeply penetrate your hair. We also recommend using Caribbean Secrets Cosmetics Crème as a deep conditioning treatment.
As mentioned earlier the hairs on your edges are already fragile. The use of chemical relaxers causes your hair to loose strength and extreme damage to you edges. Damage occurs because chemical relaxers are extremely alkaline with a pH range of 11-14. Its high alkalinity can cause your hair to break when the chemical relaxer is left on the hair for too long. Although this may be hard for those who already have relaxed hair, we recommend postponing your touch ups until you have healthy edges.
Eating a well balanced diet will not only benefit your body and mind but it will also help your hair receive the proper nutrients that it needs to grow back your edges. Foods that are high in B vitamins and Omega Fatty Acids will improve blood circulation in your scalp which is something that your edges can use to grow back. Foods such as fish, nuts, and seeds are all high in both B-vitamins and Omega Fatty Acids. Implement those foods to help your edges grow. Remember that your hair is a direct reflection of your diet so be mindful of what you eat during your hair care journey.
Tight braids can pullout your hair strands, add stress, and serious tension to your edges. In some serious instances tight braids can cause traction alopecia which removes patches of hair, leaving areas of the scalp tender and scared. It is imperative that when growing back your edges you are careful in your consideration of how much manipulation your edges will undergo. Hairstyles such as micro braids, small kinky twists, quick weaves (with glue), pony tail sew-ins, etc. should be avoided or done sparingly. However alternatives such as jumbo braids, or invisible part sew-ins should be considered. We also recommend using products such as Caribbean Secrets Pure Unrefined Haitian Black Castor Oil when styling your hair to ensure that your edges are getting the proper nutrients it needs to grow back strong and healthy.
As you get older in age your hair gradually becomes thinner. This occurs because your hormones start changing leading to a production of DHT. The production of DHT can cause patterns of baldness. However implementing the proper hair care regimen and diet can help you slow down the process of pattern baldness and and maintain a full head of hair. Also, not to mention there are other factors including genetics, and environment that affect your hair with age. Age gracefully.
We hope that you found this information useful.