
The Truth About Dandruff & How to Get Rid of It [Haircare Regimen Tips]

The Caribbean Secrets Cosmetics Blog is dedicated to educating our community about hair care tips, techniques, and history that will help maximize your curly hair's potential. Your curly hair deserves to growth, more definition, and moisture throughout the day. We feel that having healthy hair is important and is vital to the productivity in our communities around the world because when your hair looks good you will be more confident and perform better in everything you do. We want to be apart of your journey. Our aim is to give your hair-care regimen an extra boost because we value you and your curly hair. We hope that this helps!


To gain an understanding of how dandruff appears on the scalp we must first analyze the natural functions and structure of your scalp skin. The epidermis, top layer of your scalp skin, is subdivided into 4 parts, but for purposes of understanding dandruff we will be discussing the functions of your scalp’s uppermost layer, the stratum corneum. The stratum corneum is made up of dead hardened cells. These hardened cells are described to have a horny structure do to its toughness, like an animal’s horn. The stratum corneum is tremendously important. It serves as a barrier between your environment and your body. It also protects the innermost layers of your scalp skin. Everyday these harden cells shed, but they are invisible to the naked eye. 


What is a hair follicle? - myhair


When equipped with the proper nutrition and hydration the stratum corneum will protect your scalp skin from dehydration. Due to the conditions of our environment, evaporation may occur which will leave the scalp skin feeling dry and rough. However, with the proper hydration from both your diet and hair care regimen your scalp skin will be equipped to combat dryness. 

Without the use of any tools to magnify the structure of the stratum corneum one would think the outermost layer of the scalp is smooth. However when observed closely with the help of an electron microscope one would see flakes being formed on the scalp surface. Now here is where the issue of dandruff may appear. When the scalp’s natural flaking process is knocked out of balance we experience dandruff. 


Dandruff: Causal associations


Many people have the misconception that dandruff is caused by poor hygiene which is not entirely true. When the scalp’s natural flaking process is disrupted and the moisture content of the scalp skin drops, dandruff and other scalp maladies may arise. Dandruff, simply stated, is the result of an accelerated production of skin cells in the stratum corneum.

How to Get Rid of Dandruff

There are a number of ways to get rid of dandruff. Some of which include the use of certain essential oils and changes in your diet. However there are some external factors that may be out of your control that contribute to the production of dandruff in our scalp. You may find some of the following tips helpful to help you combat the conditions that are not in your control.

Essential Oils

Several drops of the following essential oils can be added to your shampoo, conditioner, and/or moisturizer to help boost their potency and combat the appearance of dandruff and other scalp maladies. 

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil is derived from Australia and was first used by the Aboriginal people, Eucalyptus Oil is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory effects. When used in combination with Tea Tree and Cedarwood it will help accelerate the healing of many scalp conditions including dandruff.

Caribbean Secrets Cosmetics Shampoo contains Eucalyptus Oil which will help combat dandruff.



Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is also derived from Australia and has been used by the Aboriginal people for centuries. Tea Tree Oil possesses germ-fighting properties that fight to prevent infections and promote the healing of the skin. It is known to reduce inflammation and control dandruff.

Cedarwood Oil

Cedarwood oil has been used by many cultures to heal various ailments. Its antimicrobial effects and medicinal properties help prevent and combat dandruff.

Use these essential oils together to help you get rid of dandruff. They will help slow down the production of skin cells in the stratum corneum and give you the results you desire.  

Changing your diet

Many dietitians and physicians suggest that eating a low-sugar, antioxidant-rich diet may help prevent and cure the appearance of dandruff on the scalp. Also minimizing the consumption of fried and processed foods may also reduce flaking. 

Staying hydrated may also prevent the appearance of dandruff. There are many suggestions on how much water one should drink but generally, drinking at least 2 liters of water per day will help keep your scalp hydrated.

Vitamin Deficiency

Research has shown that a deficiency in B vitamins can also lead to dry scalp and excessive dandruff. B vitamins can be found primarily in eggs, rice, whole grains, and poultry. 

Your Hair Care Regimen

Utilize the benefits of the Caribbean Secrets Cosmetics line to prevent the appearance of dandruff. Our product line is formulated with the finest ingredients from nature and years of testing proven to improve the overall health of your scalp. 

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